How often have you seen someone walking around gazing at their smartphone and bumping into something? There are statistics that indicate that 25% of all car accidents are smartphone related. In London, England they are experimenting with wrapping lamp posts with foam pads to reduce the risk of injury.
From England's Daily Mail newspaper: Research showed that Brick Lane in East London was the top spot for texting injuries... 68,000 such accidents last year... fractured skulls.
How often have you asked, “Please Lord send me a sign.” but never bothered to look up or look around? How much do we really miss out on what God is trying to tell us or teach us because we aimlessly focus our attention on meaningless chit-chat?
Thankfully, when it comes to all the Bus Stop Bible Study panels we post, we are able to rely on God stepping into the picture. We have received countless testimonies from people who have looked up, seen one of our panels, and God has spoken.
We once received a call from a woman who had just left Princess Margaret Hospital with a positive cancer diagnosis. Can you imagine the devastating impact at just having received that kind of news? Well, for this woman, God showed up. She got on a TTC bus, looked up, and God spoke directly to her as she read His Word. As soon as she got home she called our office to share her emotions; the devastating news of a positive diagnosis mixed with the joy of knowing that God cared about her so personally and in such an intimate way.
As we so often like to say, “At just the right time, just the right person will get on just the right bus, and a life is changed.”
Next time you want a sign from God, look up or look in your Bible.