I have been challenged in many ways and many fronts in the last few weeks. Prayer gives peace for the moment but there’s always that, “God, am I doing the right thing?” thought going through my mind. Often I feel like a deer caught in the headlights and become immobilized.
Last night I had just crawled into bed and, while waiting for Wendy to join me, grabbed the Bible on my bedside table. It was the Amplified Bible that belonged to Wendy’s mom, Eunice. As I randomly opened it the ‘God, won’t you speak to me?’ thought went through my mind. It opened at Psalm 139 with one of the many little notes left by Eunice. It read: “If one trusts in God to guide him, God can be relied upon to close doors which one might by mistaken convictions try to enter. Sometimes circumstances may force the Christian to make some sort of move even though he is unsure about it. But as long as the Christian is moving, trying to find the proper way, the Lord can actively guide him, opening a door here, closing a door there, until he arrives at the proper place.” A tear came to my eye as once again I realized how much God cares for me. I thanked Him, read Psalm 139 and went to sleep.
Thanks for the post, David. I appreciate the encouragement to check out that psalm.