Friday 27 February 2015


1. Things don’t need to be scientifically proven or testable for us to know that they exist, e.g. beauty, joy, grief, etc.  Why should the spiritual realm be any different?

2. Anything that is experiential or relational is unique to the individual, as are all relationships.  Please don’t tell me it’s impossible to know God or that I am deluded.

3. God and gods2 are not the same thing.  Truth is singular in this instance. 

4. Unicorns do exist.  The narwhal is an obvious example.  Single horned oryx and elands are not uncommon although the single horn is the result of genetic defect.  The one-horned goat portrayed in Daniel 8:5 is figurative and, as often referenced in the Bible, the horn represents strength and power.

5. To say, “I don’t know and you don’t either” is simple arrogance.

6. All the atheists in the world combined know less about God than a single born-again Christian.  An atheist’s ignorance of God proves nothing – only their ignorance.  

7. In a court of law the first-hand testimony of three or four people is generally accepted; in which case the first-hand testimony of billions of born-again Christians should be more than adequate to acknowledge that is possible to have a personal, two-way relationship with God.

8. Anyone who claims to be an atheist (or agnostic) simply hasn’t taken up God’s offer.  God knows from experience that miracles are not necessarily going to convince anyone, so He decided there is a better way, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”  Jeremiah 29:13.  A Christian knows this promise to be true.

9. Believing there is a God and relationally knowing God are two different things.

10. Faith is not blind.  Blind faith and atheists are blind1.  God says in Jeremiah 5:21 “Hear this, you foolish and senseless people, who have eyes but do not see, who have ears but do not hear:…” or to put it in the vernacular credited to John Heywood, “There is none so blind as those who will not see.”  For a Christian faith is experienced it two different ways; first the knowledge of the unseen (the faith that God exists even though I can’t [literally] see or tangibly touch Him) and second, the faith that God is absolutely faithful and trustworthy regardless of any circumstance he or she might find themselves in.  The latter is the faith that ‘grows’ as we experience the faithfulness of God day-by-day.

1To say that atheists are ‘blind’ is not intended as an offensive criticism, rather, a statement of fact.  When it comes to denial of the existence of God, the apostle Paul teaches us, “Whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away…”  This veil, as solid, opaque and impenetrable as any castle door, is constructed entirely of pride and is reinforced with a portcullis made of thick iron bars of willful ignorance.  Yet the wonder of it all is that this veil, this seemingly impenetrable door, can be demolished by a simple change of heart.  How do I know this to be fact?  I used to be an atheist on the other side of the door.

2Christians and Moslems both believe there is a God, but do they believe in the same God?  No.  Two people can say, “I believe there is a president of the United States.”  Both would be stating a simple truth.  If one says, “I believe Hilary Clinton is President” and the other says, “I believe Barak Obama is President” only one of these two statements can be true.

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